Did you know that all the employees of Sunland Acres Pet Camp are certified in Pet CPR and First Aid?
We recognize an opportunity to do more for our community by offering Pet CPR and Pet First Aid training, not only to our staff but to ALL pet businesses and parents. Safety is our top priority and that’s why we not only take pride in as well as live by the necessary skills and techniques of CPR, First Aid & Care for our furry, family members. To Be YOUR Pet’s Hero and make an informed decision, we should educate ourselves and stay current in our Pet First Aid Skills.
We’ve partnered with Pet Tech co-founded by President Thom Somes, dubbed “The Pet Safety Guy”, as the first international training center dedicated to helping Pet Parents and Pet Care Professionals.
Safety Issues for Your Pets
As pet parents and pet care professionals, we have a lot of choices and decisions to make about our pet’s daily activities, habits, and health. Many people enjoy outdoor activities with their pets and considering the environment is important. Whether it is seasonal conditions or the choice of activity we should always be paying attention to our pets’ needs and safety. Learn about seasonal dangers, heat/cold injuries,
environmental poisoning and more.
Here’s a short, but super-helpful, video that’s jam-packed with helpful safety tips for you and your pets!
Pet Safety, Pet CPR & First Aid at Sunland
Many pet owners can keep their pets happy and healthy by learning more about First Aid. As facility
caregivers, we want what is best for our camp visitors. We want them to be happy, healthy and have the best life that we can give them. There are plenty of factors that go into taking care of your pets and their safety at Sunland.
Paying close attention to your pet’s needs is our top priority. Factors such as breed, age, and medical
conditions, as well as diet and nutrition with exercise, sunlight, and fresh air, are just a few things we focus on when your pets are at Sunland Acres Pet Camp.
What is Pet CPR & First Aid?
Pet First Aid refers to emergency treatment administered to an injured or sick pet before professional medical care is available. Things such as bleeding, bandaging, seizures, fractures, and more. If you don’t already have a first aid kit handy or would like to learn more about things to have in a situation where a pet needs immediate medical care, we would love to assist.

The Pet First Aid kits include:
1. The PetSaver Program, issued in class.
2. Dressings & bandages
3. Instruments (thermometer, tweezers, etc.)
4. Ointments, disinfectants & medicines
5. Miscellaneous (flashlight, razors, muzzle)
Pet CPR refers to rescue breathing (mouth-to-snout resuscitation) and chest compressions. In the rare
circumstance that a pet is found unresponsive and has no breathing or heartbeat, we begin CPR within 12
How Can You Get Certified?
We are offering regular classes for certification. Here are the details:
Pet professionals training: if you’d like to make sure that all your staff is trained in Pet CPR and First Aid, we welcome you to schedule a training class for your entire team. If you are a pet parent and you’d like to receive your certification, you can email and let us know you’re interested. We will provide optional dates for upcoming classes.
Here’s what you can expect:
Class fee $125 per person
8-hour certification class (lunch on your own)
Certification is good for 2 years.
Pet Professionals such as Veterinarian Clinics, Pet Boarding Facilities, grooming salons, rescue groups, pet sitters, dog trainers, any pet-related business, and pet parents. If you frequently put your hands on pets this would be a good investment!
Pet Professionals Training

To discuss how we can customize the training for your company and provide scheduling assistance, please email us with the best time to reach you.
Pet Owners & Pet Families

Classes will be offered for our pet owners, families, and groups quarterly throughout the year. Ready to sign up? Sign up for this training via email, or you can use the contact form.